Sports Betting Tips And Strategies From The Pros
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Just like any other skill in the world, when it comes to betting on sports, some have proven to be better than others. In fact, a select (and lucky) few have been able to ditch their day jobs entirely and ride the waves as a professional bettor.
Now, before you start thinking that these people just have superior luck, it’s important to consider the other factors that contribute to their success. Trust me, it’s more than just continual good fortune.
In this article, I’ll lay out 4 tips from professional sports bettors that you can apply to your strategy today.
1 – Check the Odds Early
One of the things that sports bettors consider when evaluating their potential options is how the odds change leading up to an event.
As sportsbooks get new information coming in, some of which may or may not be available to the public, the betting market shifts in one direction or the other. Pro gamblers know that the movement tells a story, and it’s important to be able to follow along as things unfold.
The only way to adequately track the activity of the betting lines is to take note of what the odds opened at when the bet was first made available to the public. From there, determining what the movement indicates is the next step.
Generally speaking, it’s best to be wary about betting on the same side as the general public. As the saying goes, there’s a reason those casinos look so nice, and it’s not because the majority of people are winning.
What line movement can indicate is that public money is coming in heavily on one side or the other, and the sportsbook is moving the numbers in order to get the money evened out. If this doesn’t make sense, I’ll explain.
The goal of a sportsbook is to get even money on each side of a bet, and then take the “juice” or “vig” as the profits. For example, if 50% of people bet on Team A at -110, and 50% of people bet on Team B at -110, the losing side will cover the winning side, and there will be 10% left over for a guaranteed house profit.
Now how does this apply to line movement? Let’s say Team A in the example above opened up as a favorite at -6 on the point spread. Over the next 48 hours they’re now a favorite as -7.5. What does this mean?
It would mean that the public was betting heavily on the favorite, meaning the sportsbook had to increase the number of points the underdog is receiving in order to encourage people to bet on the other side.
This is simply one example of using line movement to help you make a decision, but it’s a much more in-depth topic that requires a great deal of attention. If you’re serious about sports betting, learning how to track it is a great place to take your strategy to the next level.
2 – Think Long-Term and High-Value
I won’t get too deep into the subject, but one philosophy that I believe is crucial both in business and in gambling is high risk-tolerance. I’m not suggesting that it’s a good idea to blindly throw money at everything, but without risk, there is no real reward.
This applies to sports betting in the sense that sometimes taking bigger risks is necessary for success in the long run. Recognize that the goal of sports betting, just like playing the stock market, is not about how many “wins” you get, but how big those wins actually are for your bottom line.
If you’re one of those people who think that they’ve cracked the code of sports betting and only pick huge moneyline favorites (you know, those “sure thing” bets), you’ve likely realized that it isn’t the winning strategy you probably hoped to see.
The moneyline favorite strategy is very common among the amateur sports betting public.
Nobody likes losing, but if you can tolerate more losing for a higher payout in the end, you aren’t sacrificing anything. It’s a tough mental hurdle to overcome, but making the decision that it’s okay to stomach a few additional losses will help you out in the long run.

3 – Know Where You Stand Financially

If there’s a theme to the way professional sports bettors approach their craft, it’s that you need to be treating betting as a business. Obviously, one quality of a well-run business is continual awareness of the bottom line.
Creating a bankroll is absolutely necessary to both your short and long-term success, and it acts as protection against completely falling off a financial cliff.
If you aren’t familiar with the term, your bankroll is the pool of money from which you bet. Note that you should only be using money from this pool, or else you defeat the purpose of having one entirely.
When putting together your bankroll, there are a few things to consider that will help you land on the right amount. First, it should be an amount of money that you can afford to lose. Nobody likes thinking of it this way, but when you’re setting up your bankroll, imagine all that money will be gone tomorrow. Rather, consider it a purchase (just so you realize you are getting something out of it…potentially).
Once you have your total number determined, the next step is to choose a percentage range which will help you determine your betting size. Most experts recommend betting between 3% and 5% of your total bankroll on any one play, but these numbers can be decided based on your individual situation and goals.
Above all, just make sure you aren’t losing track of your financial status. I’ve witnessed many bettors who always seem eager to record each win, but sometimes fail to report their own performance after a bad weekend.
Don’t make excuses for why you aren’t tracking your money. It takes no luck, no skill, and very little time to do. Not to mention, it’s arguably the most important aspect of your whole operation.
4 – Line Shop
Not every store has the same exact cost for a certain product. The pair of shoes you found for $150 on one website might be selling for $135 on a competing site. Where there is competition for a market, there will be variance in price.
If you’ve ever wondered the reasons why it’s important to get familiar with a few different sportsbooks, line shopping is at the top of the list. Seemingly small differences can add up and make a significant impact on your bankroll over time.
Granted, the differences will often be small and sometimes it can feel unimportant to look around for just a small improvement in value. However, all professional sports gamblers will attest to the fact that betting is a volume business, and when you consistently find the best deals, you’re saving yourself quite a bit of money on the games you use.
So the question is, how many sportsbooks should you look over before placing a bet? Unfortunately, there isn’t a definite answer, but I would recommend at least a half dozen.
Perhaps this article should have started, rather than ended with this advice, but before you go all-in on betting, remember that it’s extremely difficult to make a living through gambling. Professional sports bettors are proof that it can be done, but it’s a wild, often unpredictable ride that isn’t for everyone.
The tips above probably aren’t going to make you ready to start gambling professionally tomorrow, but if you do ever take the leap, be sure to keep them in mind.
Many may not be aware that betting on sporting events in the world has been practiced for centuries. Let’s be honest, as long as there are sports – sports betting will exist around the world despite bans in some countries. In this text, we’ll try to point out some pros and cons of legalizing sports betting.
Betting As A Mean Of Entertainment And A Way Of Making Profits
Today you can bet on almost all sports – but also many other things including phenomena from public life. All you have to do is go to the first sports betting place, study the offer and place a bet. Technological advances have made it possible for you to do the same from home, over the Internet, or by telephone – which is the last known phase of activity that has lasted for two hundred years.
History Of Sports Betting
The beginnings of professional sports betting are related to horse racing and England at the dawn of the 19th century. The English, however, organized the races much earlier. The inhabitants of the Island loved horses, races, and the excitement they bring with them – so they bet regularly, but more recreationally. More serious betting began only around 1800 when the organization of equestrian races was established.
What did it look like then?
In those times it was a bit different. The bettor would place a bet on the horse to the bookmaker and wait for the end of the race. Each bookmaker used to calculate the payout according to its own rules. The basic principles they were guided by were the assessment of the desired percentage of return to the players.
They also look at the assessment of the chances or mood of the players towards individual horses. During the betting, the bookmaker had to monitor the payment and, based on the mathematical calculation and assessment of the remaining payment – devise such quotas that will be to his advantage. However, if he happened to make a mistake in the budget – his odds would be small and neither the players nor he would be satisfied with them.
Sports Betting Today
Today, with the development of technology, everything is different. From the number of sports available for betting, to the precise setting of odds, to the way you can bet. Today you can go to sports betting places – but you can also bet online via the Internet by using your computers, tablets, or mobile phones. Mobile betting applications are one of the most important developing sectors in the last 10 years. Some sports bettings branches pay a lot of money to their players – but they certainly earn even more.
Many sports betting chains have expanded so much – that in some countries they have more branches than the tax administration. This is especially the case with European countries where this type of gambling is very popular – primarily because of soccer, which is one of the most popular sports on the old continent.
Legalization of Sports Betting – Yes or No?
Sports Betting Tips And Strategies From The Pros Against
Many US states are still not clear about the topic of legalizing sports betting. According to NJGamblingFun, some states like Tennessee are willing to share the profits from this lucrative business – while some other states are still claiming that sports betting should not be legalized. Where is the middle ground? Although you can see illegal bookmakers almost everywhere – this activity is still demonized in many places.
Even some European countries where this activity is legal – have decided to introduce certain restrictions when it comes to the payment of winnings, taxes, and salaries of sports bettings as well as their number. Will this have a large impact on the economy, sports, and human nature that loves ‘forbidden fruit’? We have tried to point out some of the reasons for and against the legalization of sports betting.
1. Sports Betting Is An Extremely Advanced Industry
The gambling industry is known as one of the most powerful in the world. And we don’t just mean Las Vegas with its flashy neon signs. In addition to those that are already well known to us – the illegal betting industry is also flourishing. According to some estimates, it is worth more than a hundred billion dollars. Today, the availability of betting has taken off so much that this industry seems stronger than ever.
Sports Betting Tips And Strategies From The Prostate
Although after the decision of the US Supreme Court, each federal state has the opportunity to make its own decision on legalization – it must be recognized that its adoption may be an economically justified decision. Also, anyone who practices this type of entertainment will find it far easier to do so in a legally regulated environment.
2. The Economy Comes First
Legalizing sports betting would no doubt be a good boost for the economy. Namely, only the filling of the state treasury based on the collected tax could already show the potential of this activity to a considerable extent. Also, there are a large number of jobs that will be opened in this industry in case it is legalized.
Some estimates claim that between 125,000 and 150,000 new jobs could be opened in the US alone. Economists who have worked on the estimates – claim that this industry could bring the state revenues between 4 and 6 billion dollars in two years. Such potential should certainly not be overlooked.
3. One rule is the same everywhere: The house always wins!
Although many people took betting as a hobby, many of them have fallen into the real traps of sports betting and gambling. However, one rule applies everywhere: The house is always winning! If some people think that different rules apply in sports than in roulette or blackjack – they are wrong. The human factor cannot be ignored. To be even more specific – money spins everything. This means that a large amount of money began to flow into sports – as well as in gambling business.
Sports Betting Tips And Strategies From The Prostate
This includes sports clubs, various competitions, and championships. We have heard of cases of rigged or sold matches many times. Proponents of the theory that legalization should not be approved also have this as an ace card up their sleeve. Also, there are sports betting statistics, which you shouldn’t blindly rely on – because surprises are always possible. The only statistic that is firmly established – is that the house almost always wins. Or at least certainly, much more than it pays off.
What Is The Best Betting Strategy
4. Commercializing In The Sports Area
Best Betting Strategies
The factual situation cannot be disputed here. Money is already largely determining the factors in sports, both on American and European soil. A large number of billionaires have invested their money in buying clubs and organizing tournaments. Many of them are sponsors of championships in tennis, football, and other sports. Money provides not only events – but also power. And power in sports should not be manifested financially but on the court.